Alerts Overview
Use alerts to understand operator behaviors and to keep on top of equipment that may be in need of attention. Watch how alerts keep you in the driver seat and your crews profitable. Learn about different types alerts and viewing alerts within your InfoHub™ system.
Alerts can be configured at the crew level or individual equipment level.
- Crew alerts are considered universal and will be triggered on any piece of equipment within the crew.
- Equipment alerts is a dedicated alert for an individual machine. It may be necessary to set an equipment level alert for machines that may be faulty to be more timely notifications or for larger items like a skid steer to be notified of unauthorized use.
Note: Be sure to check your operator's manual for proper maintenance needs for equipment.
Alert Types
Device Power Disconnected
Alerts when the primary power has been disconnected from equipment battery.
Sample Uses:
Know when a device has been disconnected from equipment battery for troubleshooting
Notification of operator tampering
Notification of tampering after a Geofence theft alert. (For when telematics tracking device is operating on battery backup.)
Device Power Connected
Alerts when the primary power is connected to equipment battery.
Sample Uses:
Know when a device is first connected or reconnected to equipment battery.
Notification of operator tampering.
Excessive Speed
Alerts on speed exceeding a preset threshold (in mph).
Sample Uses:
Know instantly when users violate company policy on vehicle trailer towing speeds.
Monitor onsite equipment speed of operation in homeowner associations.
Geofence Exit
Telematics tracking device has left a user-defined geofence
Sample Uses:
Notification of possible theft of equipment. (If equipment leaves the service area)
Geofences give lawn service professionals more control over where crews and machines are. See how to create a geofence for service areas and office locations.
Low Battery Voltage
Equipment battery has low voltage.
Sample Uses:
Monitor when equipment battery voltage falls below the minimum threshold to function (If voltage drops below 10.5vDC the equipment would not start).
Minimize equipment downtime and notify crews to take battery booster pack or jumper cables.
Unauthorized Usage
Notifies when equipment is used outside assigned work days and times.
Sample Uses:
Use to ensure equipment is not being used for personal use or “moonlighting” outside pre-established work days and hours of operation.
Use for theft detection by monitoring if equipment or trailer moves outside normal work hours. This can work in conjunction with geofence exit alert. A geofence alert would not occur if the stolen equipment was kept within the service area.
Viewing Alerts
There are a variety of places to access alerts in InfoHub.
From the Dashboard, in the Recent Alerts section of Announcements and Alerts.
From the Dashboard you can customize your schedule summary to include alerts that are specific to the selected crew from the Group List. Note: only four items may be selected at a time within the schedule summary panel.
In Tracking equipment with active alerts will be represented by a red flag
in the details of the Tracking Tools Panel and may be shown with an alert symbol(icon is configurable) on the map.
This is a “current status” indicator and will be refreshed each time a new message is received.
In the Navigation Bar, the utilities menu shows alert notifications as a number within a red circle.
SMS Text
See how to customize the ways alerts are displayed and notification preferences in Creating Alerts for Crews & Equipment.
Clearing/Acknowledging Alerts
In the Tracking Tools Pane, the active alerts flag
is a “current status” indicator and will be refreshed each time a new message is received. The status will remain red as long as the the telematics device detects an alert is present. If alert condition no longer exists, the alert flag will turn back to gray automatically.
- In the Navigation Bar, the alert notifications number within a red circle
will be reset after the alerts have been viewed.