Notifications for Customers
Send your customers an email automatically when crews arrive, depart or are in route to a Job Site. Customer notifications use workflow routes and your telematic enabled lawn care equipment to build trust and awareness of your crew’s activity.
Note: Customer notifications are configured differently than equipment and crew alerts. To learn about alerts such as maintenance service, excessive speed, and unauthorized use of equipment, see our guide on Creating Crew & Equipment Alerts.
In order to use customer notifications you must have a workflow route scheduled for your crews and an email configured for the customer to receive them.
1. Begin by selecting your Customers Group from the Dashboard.
2. From the Customer List, select the pencil icon of the customer you wish enable notifications for.
3. Within the Customer Detail, add an Email Address if one does not already exist.
4. At the bottom of the page, check the types of notifications from the following options:
Workflow Arrival Notification
Workflow Departure Notification
Workflow En Route Notification
Now, when your crew's move through assigned routes, any job site within this route associated with that customer will generate an email telling them about the crew members activity.